Tuesday 2 June 2015

Recipe for Taste The Rainbow Smoothies - instadessert


Recipe Serves 4

1/2 punnet of frozen or fresh blueberries
handful of pitted fresh black cherries
dash of milk of choice

1 green kiwi
1 small cucumber

1 large mango
1 small banana
dash of choice of milk

1/2 small papaya
2-3 pitted apricots
Dash of milk to thin the smoothie if fruit purée is too thick

1/2 punnet fresh strawberries
1/2 punnet frozen raspberries


Blend each layer seperately and pour first layer into glass. Put glass in freezer for 5-10min so the surface hardens a little, so that when you put the next layer on gently, you can maintain perfect layering. Top smoothie with fresh pomegranate seeds. You can make a few glasses in advance and defrost the night before for the next day enjoyment!